Balance, Compensation, Body
My credo: Body is our Temple.
In Monaghan Therapy I concentrate on the RESULTS, and this is what matters at the end of the day. What means STRONG + HEALTHY Body?
-In my way of thinking, It's balance, harmony, full range of movement, more productivity, less stress, and restrictions. How to gain these results? -Easy, through a balance, therapy, sports activities. Let's dig a bit deeper: -There is a Balance in nature, in the universe, and in our body. So, if there is (-), there is (+). If there is Yin, there is and Yang. Why do I writing about this? From my point of view the human body, more specifically muscles, in some way have similarities, they have agonist and antagonist. As one muscle contracts, the other relaxes. e.g., Biceps - Agonist when Triceps - Antagonist. Also, from the birth, we have symmetry in our body. So, what happens with our body when one of the muscles ''gives up" on daily duties?
Yes, COMPENSATION is one of the functions, to protect injured or overworked muscle and of course isolate from further injuries/damages. Each body unique and has his ways to deal with stress, pain, movement restrictions, and compensation patterns. I will involve here a bit of science. What exactly is COMPENSATION PATTERNS? Essentially, a compensation pattern is a neuromuscular strategy that the body employs when the naturally prescribed neuromuscular strategy is no longer an option to use in the creation of a given movement.
Rounded Shoulders is a compensation pattern that develops from the overuse of pushing or pressing exercises that cause the Pectoralis (Chest Muscles) to be overactive and/or tight relation to the Posterior Muscles, specifically: Rhomboids, Lower and Mid-Trapezius, External rotators of the Shoulders (Infraspinatus and Teres Minor). The Strength Imbalance connected with Rounded Shoulders reduces the stability and mobility of the shoulder, which can lead to severe injury or prolonged inappropriate wear-and-tear of the shoulder. Muscles activated through the compensation include some physiological (soft tissue and joint) structures that when overused can lead to impingement or injury in the future. Rounded Shoulders also influences the development of forwarding Head Posture and Excessive Kyphosis, not to mention an integral part of Upper Cross Syndrome.
List of Common Patterns of Compensation and Movement Dysfunctions: Pronation Distortion Syndrome Valgus Knee Patellofemoral Tracking Syndrome Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Quad Dominance IT Band Syndrome Asymmetrical Weight Shift Glute Amnesia Syndrome Buttwink Posterior Pelvic Tilt Anterior Pelvic Tilt Lower Cross Syndrome Sway Back – Excessive Lordosis Upper Cross Syndrome Rounded Shoulders Excessive Kyphosis Forward Head Posture Shoulder Impingement Winged Scapula Flared Rib Cage Elevated Shoulders Uneven Shoulders Hyperinflation